How To Get Pest Control Leads

Owning a pest control business takes a lot of work, and one of the most time-consuming aspects is marketing said business. Getting consistent clients is a challenge, which is why you need great marketing to generate leads. 

Generating pest control leads is an essential part of your sales funnel. It draws people in and allows you to change prospective shoppers into paying clients. Having a good pest control marketing strategy for finding customers will give you a solid foundation to expand your business on. 

But generating leads can be a challenge. If you’re ready to stand out and get more business, read on for some of the best ways to get leads for pest control. 

Know Your Target Pest Control Market

Before you can properly utilize the right strategies for your pest control business, you must first understand your target market. These are the people and businesses that will potentially use your pest control services. 

Understanding your target market means understanding what drives them to make decisions. This includes knowing the status of their location, income, and even their lifestyle and education. 

Without this kind of insight, you’ll end up wasting time and money trying to chase down the wrong customers. 

Getting Pest Control Leads Online

Once you have a good grasp on your target market, you can start working on getting leads. But generating leads is no easy task.

According to Hubspot, 61% of marketers consider lead generation the most challenging part of their job. So how can you create a good system for getting leads for your pest control business? There are several methods you can use to start attracting potential customers to your business. 

Below, we’ve shared some of the best ways to get pest control leads. 

pest control owner talking to a client

Get Professional Foundation Online

Your first order of business is to ensure your Google My Business listing is set up and accurate. The location-based business listing shows customers where you are, how you can help them, and how to contact you.

Location listings can drive leads from people in your area, whether through mobile search or from their desktops or laptops at home. Your GMB listing can also link to your company website. 

Having a well designed, user-friendly website is crucial to your marketing strategy.

Your website is often the first introduction a prospective customer has to your business, but there’s a lot more than it does too. It also acts as a primary salesperson, an appointment setter, and an educational resource.

Key components of a high-quality website:

  • Visually appealing with a clear message
  • Intuitive and easy to navigate
  • Appropriately formatted and easy to read
  • Readily available contact information
  • Establish credibility through testimonials and education 

These are just some of the elements that create a successful website. 

Create a Company Video

If you’re looking to generate leads, then a company video is a must-have. As of 2019, it’s the number one way people like to get information, and research from Google proves this, with 6 out of 10 people preferring to watch a video over reading. On top of that, research from Invisia shows that video consumption rises by 100 percent each year. 

That’s why having a company video embedded on your landing page is a great way to keep visitors on your site and keep generating leads.  A good customer video is a smart investment. They will generate leads through different channels, and it’s something you can use for years to come. 

Besides having a video on your pest control website, you should consider posting regular video content to YouTube. This is another avenue to drive traffic to your site while providing education and solidifying your credibility. 

Word of Mouth Marketing

This should be a no-brainer, but it’s something that can get overlooked. That’s because it involves more than simply providing an excellent service. Word of Mouth Marketing (WOMM) is the most powerful form of marketing you have, and the best part is it’s completely free!

Not only will this strategy drive people to your pest control business, but it also comes with a high rate of trust that you can’t get from other avenues of lead generation. According to Nielsen, 92 percent of consumers believe recommendations from friends and family over other types of advertising. 

WOMM has evolved from simply being recommendations from one person to another. Modern Word of Mouth Marketing also includes making targeted efforts to get customers to share their experience. 

With modern WOMM, you work to get online customer testimonials that highlight your company’s service, expertise, and value. This is a smart strategy for getting more leads and building brand loyalty, trust, and awareness. 

Pest control technician meeting a new customer

Social Media Marketing

If you don’t think social media is necessary, think again. Your social media presence is one of the most important elements in your pest control lead generation strategy. Use Instagram, LinkedIn, or Twitter, but Facebook is probably the best social platform to generate leads. 

To generate leads and get clients using social media, use the following tactics:

Social Media Lead Ads

If you’ve gotten leads by running traditional social media ads, you can retarget those potential customers through lead ads. These advertisements are shown to people who clicked on a previous ad, reigniting their interest and redirecting them to your site’s content.  

Share Clickable Content

Instead of giving status updates and uploading pictures, you want to be sure to make your content clickable. That means sharing things that lead to more valuable content on your site, like blog posts and videos. 

Optimize Your Profile

A simple way to generate leads on social media is to optimize your profile. This means providing as much relevant information as possible on your company’s profile. By including your phone number, hours, and a short bio, people will be quick to trust your business and boost your credibility. 

Offer an Incentive

If you’re trying to drive leads to your website, why not offer an incentive? Offering something like a free consultation or introductory pricing for new customers is an excellent way to entice potential clients. This strategy also strengthens brand loyalty before they even spend money. 

Content Marketing

It’s not enough to have a website and social media accounts. You have to provide killer content to get the right traffic going to these places. Now more than ever, there is a huge demand for high-quality content to generate leads.

This includes social media, but blogging is an even bigger factor when it comes to content marketing. By regularly posting valuable content to your company’s blog, you’ll build credibility and solidify your brand’s image. 

So what does it take to provide worthwhile content that turns visitors into customers? 

There are several things to consider, but here are some of the most important parts of content marketing to generate pest control leads:


Whenever you type a phrase into Google or another search engine, you’re using a keyword. Not only are they essential to your SEO, but they also help drive traffic to your site. 

Landing Pages

Many business owners don’t realize it, but there is a lot of opportunity for conversions on your website’s landing page. 

Lead Nurturing

Many leads won’t be ready to convert right away, which is what lead nurturing is for. 

Content Promotion

Producing high-value content is only part of content marketing. You also have to promote your content. 

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Marketing

using a search engine to find a home service

Pay-per-click marketing is a form of online advertising where you are charged each time your ad is clicked. Basically, this is a way to pay for visitors to come to your site instead of organically. 

Search engine PPC is one of the most popular ways to use this method. It works by allowing advertisers to bid on ad space in search engine’s sponsored links. If the ad is clicked, you pay the search engine a small fee for the traffic.

This option might sound pricey, but when compared to the payoff, the fees are nominal. For instance, if you pay $2 for a click but land an ongoing pest control client, the profits will be much greater than what you paid for advertising.

It’s important to know that a lot of work goes into running Pay-per-click ads. You’ll have to research and choose the right keywords, organize your keywords into marketing campaigns, and set up PPC landing pages that are designed to convert. 

Email Marketing

You might think emails are out of date, but they’re just as important as ever, and there’s research to back that up too. SaleCycle found that marketing emails and advertisements influence 50.7% of people when making a decision.

On top of that, research conducted by Litmus showed that email marketing had a 4200% ROI! With this in mind, email marketing should be one of your primary focuses when it comes to lead generation.

Use Retargeting Ads

When people are looking for a service provider online, they rarely make a choice right away. Instead, people tend to do research before deciding which company to go with. That’s where retargeting comes in. 

Retargeting ads track prospective clients who have already viewed your website or clicked on an online advertisement, and they’re high-converting. One recent survey from ReadySuite found that 70% of people are more likely to convert when they see a retargeted ad. 

By running a retargeting ad, you’ll show these visitors a little reminder on the internet that will nudge them back to your site. Unlike other forms of advertising, these people will be happy to see what’s being shown to them because it provides a more personalized experience.

Using these kinds of ads will give your conversion rate a huge boost because you’re going after leads that have already confirmed their interest. By using retargeting ads, you’ll refresh their memory and encourage them to continue what they started. 

Build Local Partnerships

One of the best ways to get leads is to partner with other local businesses. Being a part of the home services industry, there are endless opportunities to get leads from other businesses and share your leads. There are traditional routes like paying for ads on Google, but building local partnerships can be just as, if not more, powerful. 

For example, a potential client looking for pest control services may also need a plumber or handyman and vice versa. There’s also a possibility that another expert will notice an infestation problem or you notice something during your work. 

When it comes to building local partnerships, the key is to stick to non-competing businesses with stellar reputations. To get started, attend local networking events, join local groups online for business owners, or simply make some phone calls.

Start Getting More Leads Now

Getting the right leads comes down to having the right strategy. When you’re developing your sales funnel, choose options that best fit your business and use both online and offline techniques to get the maximum exposure. 

By employing the methods listed here, you’ll be able to generate a steady stream of pest control leaves. Learn more about what you can do to help your business grow, and contact us today!