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Explainer Videos 101 – 5 Essential Factors Businesses and Marketers Need to Understand - Ironworks Digital

Explainer Videos 101 – 5 Essential Factors Businesses and Marketers Need to Understand

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Business development via video is essential. Offering video content in addition to text-based content is no longer a choice; if your business isn’t engaging potential customers via video, prepare to lose business to video-savvy competitors. For maximum ROI, explainer videos should be part of your growth marketing strategy. Explainer videos are not only entertaining, they’re a phenomenal way of educating your audience. If you want to integrate explainer videos into your brand development efforts, the following are five factors you need to understand:

Understand Your Target Audience

Creating an explainer video without a target audience in mind is like shooting darts in the dark. Your marketing team should have a clearly defined target audience in mind before you even consider diving into video production. Are you trying to increase your brand’s visibility with upwardly mobile millennials? Do you want more C-level executives as customers? Just as you would develop buyer personas for your sales team, you should develop audience personas for your explainer videos.

Remember Your Keyword Strategy to Improve SEO

Search engines like Google are increasingly ranking video content above text content. If you develop a keyword strategy as part of your explainer video production efforts, you will increase your chances of having your video rank near the top of search engine results. Know which keywords and long-tail phrases you want to rank for and integrate your chosen words/phrases into your video creation efforts (don’t forget your metadata).

CTA Will Increase Conversion Rates

A call to action is crucial for a successful explainer video. You wouldn’t create a blog post without a call-to-action; don’t create an explainer video for your target audience without including a CTA. Do you want viewers to call your business? Are you hoping they email you or click on your live chat button? Choose your CTA while developing your video and then ensure your team is ready to act upon any leads coming in as a result of your video.

Choose The Type of Explainer Video Carefully

There are a variety of explainer videos available to business owners. Understand the difference between an introductory video, an education or entertainment video, or a socially shareable video. Each type of video is designed to produce a specific result; speaking with a video design professional can help you understand the differences. Choosing the right type of video is critical if you want to achieve your desired results.

Look At Your Visuals Closely

There’s no point in creating an explainer video if your visuals aren’t top-level. A poorly produced video can do your company more harm than good. This isn’t the time to include images you created yourself in PowerPoint. You only have seconds to capture the attention of your audience. Your visuals need to be compelling enough to entice your audience to watch your entire video creation.

These are just five of the factors you should consider before you attempt to create an explainer video for your business. Working with explainer video professionals can take the stress out of the creation process and ensure you end up with a product you can be proud of. Are you ready to jump aboard the video marketing trend and grow your company’s digital footprint via video?


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