What is Inbound Marketing for Pest Control?

man talking to leads got through inbound marketing
Running a pest control business requires more than just providing the best pest control services. You might be the best pest control expert in your area, but you’ll still face issues with getting and retaining customers if you don’t have a comprehensive inbound marketing strategy in place. 

While pest control companies are generally known for their low-tech, high-volume sales approach, technology is playing an ever-increasing role in how pest control companies find clients. Case in point: pest control companies are now embracing inbound marketing techniques to attract new customers, engage with existing customers, and refocus the way they think about traditional marketing efforts.

These companies have found that inbound marketing can be a low-cost, high-yield approach to driving more revenue by using the internet to attract new pest control customers.

So if you’ve been struggling lately with generating pest control leads and are seeing fewer profits for your pest control business, then inbound marketing is the answer. Let’s explore how Inbound Marketing gets you more pest control leads.

inbound marketing planning meeting at a pest control company

What is Inbound Marketing for Pest Control?

Marketing has always been necessary for the growth of pest control businesses. It’s only when people can find you do you get a chance to earn their business. It a time when the barriers of entry to start a pest control business are dropping, you need to make sure you rise to the top when people take to the internet to find a pest control company to work with. 

Inbound marketing is a type of marketing where the focus is on attracting the right customer to you when they are looking for pest control services,

This is achieved by creating a stunning website and an online experience that’s tailored to their needs and gets you found online for pest control related searches by people in your service area. By creating a great website with clear, relevant and helpful content, you create a beacon that attracts people to your business when they search online. 

This is in contrast to outbound marketing, which focuses on pursuing potential customers and chasing them. Some examples of outbound marketing are cold calling, email blasting to a purchased list, direct mail, door to door selling, networking events, etc. With outbound marketing you have to go out and find new pest control clients.

With inbound marketing, they come to you. 

In this digital world, inbound marketing is quickly outpacing outbound marketing, with outbound marketing becoming less and less effective.

People just don’t want to be sold to. They know how to find what they need, when they need it. 

Your potential customers are receiving outbound marketing messages from too many people. They’re attending too many marketing calls and opening too many direct mails. After a certain period, they start to find it annoying and avoid them altogether. So if you’re calling in and reaching out to them, it’s more likely that you’ll face rejection.

Inbound marketing, on the other hand, is growing ineffectiveness. Instead of cold calling, you provide valuable content and experience. Consider these as pre-sales where you do not sell anything. You simply provide something useful. If the potential customers find your services relevant, they order them from you.

What Makes Up An Inbound Marketing Strategy?

If you own a pest control business, then you must be wondering how you can benefit from inbound marketing. Just like other types of businesses, you can create an inbound marketing campaign and reap benefits out of it. In this section, you’ll learn the step-by-step process of how to implement such a campaign.

Create a Great Pest Control Website

The first thing you’d need for an inbound marketing campaign is a well-designed website. Therefore, if you don’t already have a website, you should get one created.

This is where people looking for pest control services in your area will go to get in touch with you. Consider your website a salesperson that is always working. It was always 

When creating a website, you should ensure that it’s optimized for mobile devices. An increasing number of people are using mobiles to use the internet. Therefore, if you already have a website, you should recheck if it’s properly functioning on a mobile screen. Otherwise, even the people looking for pest control service will skip your website.

Write Valuable Blog Posts About Pest Control

Pest control companies with blogs generate 67% more leads than companies without a blog. 

Inbound marketing is built around value. You do not push but rather pull (or attract) customers into your business. That’s where your blog comes in. To attract potential customers, you have to provide something of value for people to find when they start searching.

And on the internet, nothing is more valuable than educational and informative content. 

Let’s give an example: You can create a blog post on “How to identify bugs in your house.” When people read through the blog post, they know which type of bug is invading their house. At the end of the blog post, you can provide an option for them to contact you.

That’s how you generate leads through inbound marketing. This could be a blog post, a video, an infographic, or a tool. Maybe it’s a great resource  Blog topics are a great way to get creative and start developing your content for the blog. But, how do you come up with blog topics that will get people to click, and most importantly, read what you are writing?

writing a blog post for a pest control website

Optimize for Pest Control Searches with SEO

Search Engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing are perhaps the best marketing channel for inbound marketing. This is because people are actively looking for solutions to their problems.

So if their house gets infested by bugs, then they’ll turn to Google and other search engines for immediate help. That’s where you can capitalize on and generate a good amount of leads for your business.

Pest control SEO requires you to select keywords which people type into the search box. When looking for pest control services, they might use terms like “best pest control service near me,” “immediate pest control help,” “cheap pest control service,” and so on. You need to optimize your website for these keywords. If your pest control company website doesn’t have the right SEO optimized content, it simply can’t be found. 

Let People Call You Directly

With inbound marketing, you do not have to call people, people call you instead. And the people calling in are highly interested in whatever you have to offer. You can target the keyword that people search and run “Call-only” ads on Google. Whenever someone clicks on the ads, they get in touch with you over the phone.

You can talk to them directly and schedule the service. It’s perhaps the easiest way to generate leads online for a pest control business.

Post Regularly On Social Media

More than half of the world is on social media, and chances are you are too. But what you don’t realize is social media websites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram are an excellent marketing channel for inbound marketing. You can drive traffic from these sites to your website and valuable content for cheap. 

So people who are looking for a pest control service provider or just want to get their house checked for bugs can contact you. The algorithm that power social media websites is smart enough to find those people for you.

To Sum up

Inbound marketing is the future of marketing, not just for pest control businesses, but for all sectors. People are frustrated with being advertised and rather want to be marketed with value and empathy. So if you can show that, customers will offer you the contract of freeing their house for best. And the best part is they may even refer your services to their friends and colleagues.

So if you’re still relying on cold calling and direct mail marketing, then you’re missing out on bigger opportunities.



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